Inspired by video games such as Viva Pinata, this project focused on simulating trees which could grow in real-time, reacting to their environment during their growth and maturity.
This project required an in-depth study into plant-growth algorithms, with a heavy focus on tDOL-Systems, a method which is capable of using parameters to judge plant growth.
Expanding on this algorithm, multiple parameters ( Light level, Water Level and Fertility ) were added, all of which affect the speed and height of growth and whether a plant can maintain its life or not.
This project was completed in Unity and required heavy optimisations to effectively run through this algorithm for potentially hundreds of trees at once.
The video below shows this process with multiple tree types that were added to this project.
This project required an in-depth study into plant-growth algorithms, with a heavy focus on tDOL-Systems, a method which is capable of using parameters to judge plant growth.
Expanding on this algorithm, multiple parameters ( Light level, Water Level and Fertility ) were added, all of which affect the speed and height of growth and whether a plant can maintain its life or not.
This project was completed in Unity and required heavy optimisations to effectively run through this algorithm for potentially hundreds of trees at once.
The video below shows this process with multiple tree types that were added to this project.